Sunday, December 5, 2010

American Gladiators, The Music (1993)

Contains music from the TV show as well as other montage driven rock hits.

Gladiators, Ready?

a673 / Unicorn Split (2004)

Kittyplay Records Release.  Disorganized Noise. You'll probably never make it through to the end.


1. Future Pills
2. Provoked by the Nocturnal Aspect
3. Psychological Space


4. Three Square, Two Hot
5. In This Corner Weighing 150 lbs: Logic
                                                          In This Corner Weighing 300 lbs: Emotion
                                                      6. Flying Machine
                                                      7. Old Cajun Mystic
                                                      8. Clowns

What's All that Racket?

Clinic - Harvest (Single, 2006)

CD Single Release Harvest from the Visitations album

  1. Harvest (Within You) 
  2. You Can't Hurt You Anymore
  3. Lee Shan 

Get it to the Clinic

  • Chad VanGaalen - Green Beans EP (2005)

    This EP was a bonus disc included with the Vinyl copy of Infiniheart when it was re-released by Sub Pop. More experimental than most of his other recordings, containing even hints of jazz and rap.


    1. Green Beans
    2. Capsule
    3. Carpet
    4. Dolphinariums
    5. The Break Of Dawn
    6. Pomeranians

    No artwork for this EP

    Eat Your Greens!

    Bob Hund - Stenåldern Kan Börja (2001)

    Translation "Let the Stone Age Begin" This was the bands first album to Chart and #1 in Sweden

    Track listing

    (English translation within parentheses)
    1. "1002" – 0:55
    2. "Dansa efter min pipa" – 3:19 ("Dance to my pipe")
    3. "Sista beställningen" – 2:39 ("Last orders")
    4. "Papperstrumpeten" – 4:26 ("The paper trumpet")
    5. "F.ö. stal hon mitt hjärta" – 3:18 ("By the way, she stole my heart")
    6. "Och där står du" – 2:23 ("And there you stand")
    7. "En som stretar emot" – 4:09 ("The one who's struggling")
    8. "Glöm allt du lärt dig" – 3:10 ("Forget all you've learned")
    9. "Ner på jorden" – 3:14 ("Down to earth")
    10. "Skall du hänga med? Nä!!" – 2:49 ("Are you coming along? Nah!!")
    11. "Stora tankar i lilla berg- och dalbanan" – 3:58 ("Big thoughts in the little rollercoaster")
    12. "Våffeljärnet" – 2:40 ("The waffle iron")
    13. "Invandraren" – 2:42 ("The immigrant")


    Bob Hund - Bob Hund (1993)

    The Best Description I've heard of this band from Sweden is "Pere Ubu and Pixies with a touch of Kraftwerk" This is their debut EP

    Track listing

    (English translation within parentheses)
    1. "Allt på ett kort" – 2:31 (double meaning: "all-in" but also "all in one picture")
    2. "Rundgång, gräslök, fågelsång" – 2:11 ("Feedback, chives, birdsong")
    3. "Kompromissen" – 3:54 ("The compromise")
    4. "5 meter upp i luften" – 4:51 ("5 meters up in the air")
    5. "Fotoalbumet" – 3:26 ("The photo album")
    6. "Den ensamme sjömannens födelsedag" – 3:11 ("The lonesome sailor's birthday")
    Here's the first track:


    Designated Driver Courtesy Club (199?)


    Some time in the mid 90's The Ohio Dept. of Public Safety had the idea to produce a CD to give away at bars if you were a designated driver.  This disc contains 4 songs, all of which are about committing to being a designated driver. These songs are unintentionally hilarious, and are a must-have. The rap song alone is beyond awesome. No liner notes give on the CD for who the artists were, which may or may not be intentional.

    1. I Need a Man (pop)
    2. Designate (rap)
    3. Start Making Sense (rock)
    4. I'm Designated (country)
    Here's the Rap Track:

       Designate it

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